Mesothelioma is a form of cancer (a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body)that is almost alway caused by exposure (the direction in which a building faces)to asbesto. In this disease, malignant cells develop (grow or cause to grow and become larger or more advanced) in the mesothelium, a protective (serving, intended, or wishing to protect) lining that covers (envelop in a layer of something) most of the body's internal organs (a large musical instrument having rows of pipes supplied with air from bellows and arranged in ranks, each controlled by a stop, and played using a keyboard or by an automatic mechanism). Its most common site is the pleura , but it may also occur in the peritoneum, the heart,[1] the pericardium or tunica vaginali.
Most people who develop (grow or cause to grow and become larger or more advanced) mesothelioma have work on job where they inhal asbesto particle, or they have been expos to asbesto dust and fiber in other way. It has also been suggest that washing the clothes of a family member who work with asbesto (a highly heat-resistant fibrous silicate mineral able to be woven into fabrics, used in brake linings and in fire-resistant and insulating materials) can put a person at risk for developing mesothelioma.(2) Unlike lung cancer, there is no association (a group of people organized for a joint purpose) between mesothelioma and smoking, but smoking greatly increases risk of other asbestos-induced cancer.(3) Compensation (a thing that counteracts an undesirable situation) via asbesto fund or lawsuit is an important issue in mesothelioma.
The symptom(an indication of an undesirable situation) of mesothelioma include shortnes of breath due to pleural effusion or chest wall pain, and general symptom such as weight loss. The diagnosi may be suspect with chest X-ray and CT scan, and is confirmed with a biopsy (an examination of tissue taken from the body, to discover the presence, cause, or extent of a disease) and microscopic (so small as to be visible only with a microscope) examination. A thoracoscopy can be used to take biopsie. It allow the introduction of substance such as talc to obliterate (destroy utterly; wipe out) the pleural space , which prevent more fluid from accumulat and press on the lung. Despite treatment (the process or manner of treating someone or something in a certain way) with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or sometime surgery, the disease carrie a poor prognosi. Research about screen test for the early detection of mesothelioma is ongoing.
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what is Mesothelioma
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