
1.1 Unless paragraph 1.2, this rule applies to each unit

is necessary to prepare financial reports in accordance

with Part 2M.3 of the Corporations Law and:

(A) the reporting entity or

(B) to dispose of them, were to be consolidated, or in part,

general purpose financial report.

1.1.1 The provisions of this standard applies to financial statements

where information resulting from their use is essential. This

requirement is contained in the Accounting Standard IAS 1031

"Materiality" which provides guidance on the role of importance in

judgments in the preparation and presentation of financial statements


1.2 With the exception of the purposes of paragraph 6.1 of this Standard

does not apply when, according to a second accounting

Standard, investments are valued at net market value and

Changes in net market value are recognized as income or

expenses and net income

changes occur.

Paragraph 6.1 of this Standard requires certain disclosures

done on all employees of the investor applies the equity

or the equity method of


1.2.2 Other requirements of this standard does not apply when the network

method of calculating the market value of the investments required, or

in accordance with accepted accounting standards in another. To

For example, Accounting Standard AASB 1023 "Financial Reporting

General Insurance Activities' requires value method net market

accounting can be applied to investments that are part of

general insurance business. Another example is the accounting

Standard AASB 1030 "Application of Accounting Standards

Final accounts and consolidated accounts of the disclosure

Entities other than corporations, which enables companies

ordered to apply the benefits of the net market value

Method of accounting for financial assets.


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