Urgent Care EMR

VelociDoc® is a products leading provider of software to urgent care centers in the USA: Practice Velocity® Urgent Care Solutions®. In every aspect of it’s functionality (the range of operations that can be run on a computer or other electronic system), the system is optimized for urgent care.

It is the only EMR system that was originally built for urgent care centers by urgent care professionals (engaged in an activity as a paid occupation rather than as an amateur). If you operate (perform a surgical operation) an urgent care center and use another EMR, you have probably discover that your EMR lack the coding functionality, occupational (a job or profession) medicine capacity and speed necessary for optimal operation in an urgent care center. These are the very aspect that VelociDoc® Urgent Care EMR truly shine.
Urgent Care Coding:
The systems were developed (grow or cause to grow and become larger or more advanced) under the supervision of David Stern, MD, CPC. You may read his monthly urgent care coding column in the Journal (a newspaper or magazine dealing with a particular subject) of Urgent Care Medicine (www.JUCM.com). As a certifiedcoder, he directed the development (a new product or idea) of the unique VelociDoc® coding system, that optimize the appropriate (take for one's own use without permission) billable (a printed or written statement of the money owed for goods or services)odes for urgent care. Our experience (knowledge or skill gained over time) has been that urgent care centers have seen significant improvement in coding and revenue with installation of the VelociDoc® urgent care EMR.
Occupational Medicine: Protocols (the original draft of a diplomatic document, especially of the terms of a treaty agreed to in conference and signed by the parties) and specializ billing for urgent care are built right into VelociDoc® and PVM™. This include automat split-billing for worker compensation (something awarded to compensate for loss, suffering, or injury) and employer-paid services, special instruction for each type of visit and automatic fax and/or email of medical records on discharge.
Speed: The critical (extremely ill and at risk of death) element missing from other EMRs that has been implement in urgent care centers is speed. Here VelociDoc® shine, with physician (a person qualified to practise medicine, especially one who specializes in diagnosis and medical treatment as distinct from surgery.) documentation under two minutes per patient.


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